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Tiger's Eye Merkaba Necklace

on 18 inch silver plated chain

Merkaba means ( light-spirit-body)

Working with these beautiful, powerful Sacred Geometric shapes during meditation or energy work activates light and protection around your body that transports your consciousness to higher dimensions. The energy light and protection actually will extend out many feet around you. 

The Merkaba is the divine light energy used by the Ascended Masters to connect to those in tune with it

The Merkaba has deep spiritual meaning. It consists of two interlocked tetrahedrons united in the harmony of a single form. This form combines opossing energies into perfect balance, masculine and feminine, and spirit and earth.

Tiger's Eye  brings wealth, calms fears and worries and helps all digestive issues, night vision and boosts intuition. It brings strength and courage and helps you stay grounded.

reiki Infused

Tiger's Eye Merkaba Necklace

SKU: Tigers Eye Merkaba Necklace
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